Forensic Accounting Services

Initial Appraisal

We are skilled at identifying the most important financial elements of a case or dispute. Following a preliminary assessment, we can highlight the forensic accounting services required by setting out our approach to the work and our further information requirements. We are happy to hold preliminary meetings with instructing solicitors and Counsel to discuss the quantum issues of a case.

Advisory Letters

In some cases, it is cost-effective for us to provide clients with an advisory letter on a non-disclosable basis rather than a report for court purposes. We may be instructed to provide forensic accounting services on this basis if it is likely that the case will be settled before trial or even before proceedings have been issued.

Requests for Information and Questionnaires

We can assist in the early stages of commercial disputes and personal injury litigation by identifying the information required to support or defend a case.  In matrimonial disputes, we can assist in the preparation of questionnaires for instructing solicitors to put to the solicitors for the other party. We can then comment on the financial information provided and identify inconsistencies between that information and information provided previously.

Expert Reports

We are very experienced in preparing expert reports, whether instructed by solicitors representing a single party to litigation or as Single Joint Experts. Our focus is on producing reports that are clear, concise, well-argued and well-researched.

Conferences with Counsel

We can assist instructing solicitors at conferences with Counsel both at court and in chambers. It is particularly easy for us to access the Inns of Court from our offices.

Joint Statements

We prepare joint statements for the court in conjunction with accountants instructed by the “other side” following discussions to identify areas of agreement and disagreement. Our aim is to work with our “opposite numbers” to produce clear and cost-effective documents which do not simply reiterate the positions set out in the expert reports.

Settlement Negotiations

We can assist instructing solicitors in settlement negotiations by commenting on proposals or evaluating the potential consequences of various options or strategies. We are also happy to assist solicitors and Counsel at round-table meetings and mediations.

Giving Evidence

Rakesh Kapila and George Sim have extensive experience in the provision of forensic accounting services and of giving evidence in the civil and criminal courts as well as in family law proceedings, tribunals and less formal arenas.